Innovative hardening technologies
available to everyone

Heat treatment of
«fourth limit»


Heat treatment
for mechanical engineering

Innovative hardening technologies
available to everyone
Heat treatment of
«fourth limit»
Heat treatment
for mechanical engineering

Thermal treatment services

About the company

The main activity of the company “Karbaz” is the provision of services for surface hardening of machine parts and tools by methods of chemical-thermal treatment, to protect them from wear, erosion, corrosion, fatigue and contact destruction. Our goal is the implementation of advanced methods of surface hardening at machine-building enterprises of Ukraine.

Инновационные технологии упрочнения доступные каждому

Our advantages


Quality of work performed

Mandatory operational quality control of heat treatment and hardened layers. Certified equipment for measuring the hardness of products and the depth of hardened layers.


Deadlines for completion of work

Our equipment is constantly in operation 24/7. You do not need to wait for weeks for the batch to form or ensure a full load of the furnace with your order.


Qualified personnel

Our equipment is constantly in operation 24/7. You do not need to wait for weeks for the batch to form or ensure a full load of the furnace with your order.

ООО Карбаз - Наши преимущества

We strengthen all known grades of steel and cast iron 4

We will help you choose a cheaper material (use less alloyed steel; replace stainless steel) and ensure high performance, typical of more expensive materials


For us there are no small and "uninteresting" orders 5

We process parts weighing from a few grams to two tons, in any quantity. We work with enterprises of all types of ownership and individuals.


Reasonable prices 6

We offer minimum prices depending on the total weight of parts sent to us for strengthening.


Our works

Our clients

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