Metal aging


Aging is a heat treatment operation during which the supersaturated solid solution decomposes in an alloy quenched without polymorphic transformation.

The cause of steel aging is the supersaturation of ferrite with carbon and nitrogen, as well as impurity atoms, and is typical for low-carbon steels (≤ 0.03% C).
Aging results in a change in the properties of quenched alloys. Unlike tempering, after aging, strength and hardness increase, and plasticity decreases.
Aging of alloys is associated with the variable solubility of the excess phase, and strengthening during aging occurs as a result of dispersion precipitation during the decomposition of the supersaturated solid solution and the internal stresses that arise in this case.

Depending on the heating temperature of the quenched alloy, aging can occur at room temperature (natural aging) or elevated (artificial). In addition, two more types of aging are distinguished depending on the driving force of decay: thermal aging, which occurs in a hardened alloy, and deformation aging, which occurs in products after plastic deformation at a temperature below the recrystallization temperature.

Heat treatment of metals

Heat treatment (annealing, normalizing, hardening) is a high-temperature effect on steel to change the structure or properties of the metal.
In metalworking enterprises, heat treatment is used to affect the structure of non-ferrous and ferrous metals.
Different types of metal have different strength, tendency to various chemical reactions, corrosion. Heat treatment – annealing, hardening, normalizing help to improve the properties of steel or any metal alloy, increase strength, prepare for subsequent processing.

Heat treatment — purpose

Heat treatment of metals, such as normalization, hardening and annealing can be performed both with metal products Kharkov and with blanks.
For finished products, heat treatment helps relieve stress and make the material pliable after stamping and casting. The material processed by such a method as hardening, or annealing, or normalization is easily subject to the intended effect.
If heat treatment Kharkov is applied to a blank, then the goal is to increase resistance to temperature effects, increase strength, protect against corrosion, and generally improve the performance of rolled metal.

Heat treatment of steel – types

Heat treatment of steel and cast iron is performed not only to increase strength, but can also be done to soften the steel.
To reduce the strength of rolled metal, annealing is usually performed before deformation manipulations. To make the metal more pliable for cutting, normalization of the workpiece or annealing of the metal Kharkov is performed.

Heat treatment is divided into the following types:

1. Volumetric heat treatment (hardening, normalization, tempering of metal). It is needed to impart a given structure or the necessary properties to a metal product completely along the entire depth.
This type of heat treatment has three subtypes:
– hardening,
– annealing of steel and normalization,
– tempering or aging.

2. Local heat treatment. This method is needed to impart the desired structure or properties to a specified volume of a metal product Sumy, therefore, annealing, hardening or normalization is performed only on a specified volume of the workpiece (hardening of steel 45, hardening of steel 40x, hardening of steel 20).

3. Chemical-thermal work with metal. This heat treatment is used to bring to the required qualities or to impart some texture to some part of a metal product. In this method, the temperature effect is directed at the outer layer of the workpiece by applying chemicals at a certain temperature. The process can be carried out in various environments: liquid, gas, powder.

These types of heat treatment (annealing, hardening, normalization) have many varieties. Only the annealing procedure has more than ten variants of methods.


When performing primary manipulations with metal, it receives stress, that is, close contact of the substance molecules. This leads to high brittleness of rolled metal. The tempering procedure strengthens the steel and reduces its stress.


Annealing of cast iron, copper, brass and alloys is performed to balance the structure of the metal for subsequent processing by cutting. Annealing can be complete and incomplete. Complete annealing helps to create a uniform plastic structure of steel, incomplete annealing gives rigidity to plastic steel.


Hardening is very common in enterprises, because it helps to give the metal greater susceptibility to various technological manipulations. Hardening increases the service life of metal products Kyiv and their resistance to external adverse factors. Hardening involves strong heating of steel, and then rapid cooling in order to prevent diffusion in the metal. With this technology, hardening gives the steel a needle-like structure.


Steel normalization Kyiv is performed to reduce stress and graininess. Normalization is also needed to improve the characteristics of the metal for subsequent work with it. Normalization of steel 45 is similar in technology to annealing, but the normalization temperature is not controlled in the furnace, since the workpiece cools in a normal environment. Normalization of steel 40x, and normalization of steel 20 are the most popular types of normalization Sumy.

Mechanical heat treatment

Mechanical-thermal impact on a metal product is a classic method that artisans have used since ancient times when working with metal. This method is a procedure for plastic deformation of a metal product, which is carried out after heating the workpiece. Heat treatment using this technique most often ends with hardening the steel to improve its performance characteristics.

Cryogenic method

This method involves thermal exposure without heating. The metal product is placed in a refrigeration chamber, and the cold with subsequent competition effectively reduces the risk of rust, increases the strength of the product and its service life.

Hardenability of metal

The indicators of metal hardenability show how effective the heat treatment was (normalization, quenching, annealing). Hardenability shows the achieved hardness of steel, and hardenability shows to what depth the steel is hardened.

Heat treatment — advantages of the method

Heat treatment (hardening, annealing of rolled metal, normalization) is used at most metalworking enterprises in Sumy, as its application has the following advantages:

– hardening of blanks, annealing and normalization can be performed with all types of metal;
– heat treatment helps to extend the service life of a metal product;
– normalization, hardening of steel and annealing help to reduce abrasive wear of products;
– normalization of rolled metal, annealing of steel and hardening help to minimize defects at the Dnepr enterprise;
– annealing, normalization and hardening simplify subsequent operations with metal products and blanks.

Heat treatment from the company “KARBAZ”

If you need heat treatment of rolled metal Dnepr (hardening, normalization of steel, annealing), we will perform this service qualitatively in the shortest possible time. The resulting blanks are guaranteed to be of the highest quality and precisely meet engineering requirements.
The scientific qualifications and extensive experience of our employees will provide all our clients with the ideal quality of any heat treatment services we provide. Also, if necessary, our company provides consultations with specialists in Kyiv on metalworking.

For all our steel heat treatment services, depending on the volume of work, there is a flexible system of discounts.
We have all the necessary high-quality production and laboratory equipment that helps to fulfill the tasks set by the client. We will perform heat treatment of Dnepr (hardening, annealing, normalization) without damage to all required viscosity and strength parameters.

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